Tag: Cooperation

Orientation by Adam-Troy Castro

Orientation by Adam-Troy Castro (Analog, January-February 2022) takes the form of an alien giving an orientation briefing to a human abductee (or more accurately, a facsimile of a human—we learn from the briefing that the original remains untouched). We also learn, after various reassuring digressions caused by the off-stage questions from the human, about what is happening to them, where they are going, and the experiment in which they will have to participate.
This latter part, where the abductee is told (spoiler) that they will have to cooperate with another person—someone they can’t stand—stretches credulity somewhat, and the story doesn’t really convince. That said, this is entertainingly told, and has a great line: “It has become much more difficult to explain ourselves to our human test subjects, this past century or so. So many of you think you know everything.”
**+ (Average-Good). 3,250 words.