Tag: David Moles

The Metric by David Moles

The Metric by David Moles (Asimov’s SF, May-June 2021) opens on a far future Earth with a spaceship crashing near the city of Septentrion after the vessel is forced out of the metric (a universe wide system developed aeons ago which has its nexus on Earth). When a rescue party from the nearby city of Septentrion arrives, one of the members called Piper spots something in the wreckage, and he races his twin Petal to get to it.
When Petal arrives first and picks up a small sphere a stranger appears beside him and starts talking to the pair in an unknown language. One of the other group members gets their armour to translate what he is saying: they learn that the universe is ending.
Piper and Petal subsequently take the sphere and its intelligence, which calls itself Tirah, back to the city. Tirah applies for provisional citizenship and requests the fabrication of a body. While this happens, we learn about Tirah’s home world:

Hoddmimis Holt, the world that had sent Tirah, had been built perhaps two hundred million years ago, as Septentrion counted years; built when there were still stars in the sky, and when ships like Thus is the Heaven still plied the metric, knitting a web that spanned galaxies, even as the quintessence was drawing those galaxies apart, emptying the spaces between the stars to drown each galaxy alone in red darkness. It was a great city, as Petal understood it, built mostly of things more clever and more enduring than brute matter: nootic mass, dissociated fields, knots of space-time akin to the metric itself; and home only to purely computational intelligences, as far beyond the computationals of Septentrion as the Holt itself was beyond Septentrion’s towers of carbon and crystal.
The Holt was made in nearly full knowledge of the inevitability of the quintessence and the limitations of the metric, and made to last. Its makers poised it on the edge of a singularity with the mass of twenty billion stars, the core of a galaxy far from humanity’s birthplace, a black hole so enormous that even light would take days to girdle its vast event horizon; and there it spun, balanced at the equilibrium point between the singularity’s hungry mass and the even hungrier quintessence.  p. 26

The passage above gives you a good idea of the baroque and information-dense style of the story but, in the next few pages, the detail of Tirah’s warning becomes clearer and we learn that the quintessence is slowly destroying the universe. The metric, a system built to ameliorate the effects of the quintessence, needs to be shut down otherwise space-time will not come to an end—and this will prevent a new universe being born.
Tirah subsequently petitions the City Authority to shut down the metric but is unsuccessful (funnily enough, no-one wants the Earth and the Universe to come to an end before it has to). Tirah is then confined to the Archive grounds, but Petal, after discussing the matter with Gauge (a “motile” from the Archive), helps Tirah escape. When Piper realises that Petal and Tirah intend making the long overland journey to another city called Meridian, he and the rest of what remains of the rescue team are tasked to follow and retrieve them.
The second half of the story is devoted to the long overland trek that Petal and Tirah (and their pursuers) make in arctic conditions that prevail over most of this far-future Earth. Along the way there are deserted wastelands, buried cities, messages from their pursuers which make the pair detour, and periods when there is no light at all:

Petal and Tirah made more than twenty leagues that first day, the flat land of the lakeshore giving way to rolling hills, and there was just no reason to stop, not when Petal didn’t feel tired, not when the going was so easy, and Tirah so light in Petal’s arms. Petal could have kept on, continuing into the dark. But the scale of what they’d done, what Petal was committing to, was starting to sink in.
They’d outrun the storm, or it had passed over them, and they were under a clear black sky with only a faint dusting of silver sparks, very high up, that Tirah said was probably debris from colliding mirrors. The snow was smooth and very flat and seemed, through the armor’s eyes, to shine with its own light.
“What will it be like?” Petal asked—meaning the new cosmos. “Will there be stars?”
“Not to be known,” Tirah said. “It might be the same. It might be different. What’s most important is that it will be.”
Petal’s hand sought and found Tirah’s.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Petal said.
Tirah said nothing.
They couldn’t really touch, not through the armor, and in this cold the armor wouldn’t have opened if Petal had asked. But it was almost as though they could.
Three thousand leagues, Petal and Tirah, just the two of them.
And at the end of it, the end of the world.  p. 36

Eventually, after a hundred and seventy days on the ice, Petal and Tirah reach Meridian, only to see that parts of the city are on fire because of misaligned orbital mirrors. Then they realise that they are going to have to go through a restricted area (Petal’s armour and life support system tells him, “Under the terms of the 57th Diatagmatic Symbasis and its implementing regulations and orders, entry to the peripheral conservation area is permitted only to authorized persons”). They nearly make it, but are caught by the city cohorts.
Petal is taken to a cell and (spoiler) is surprised to see it is already occupied by Piper—he and his team arrived earlier as they used a crawler to travel overland. Petal also learns that several members of his old team died on the way.
Petal and Piper are then taken to the city, where they meet another old colleague, Hare, and then learn that Tirah will be allowed to see the sacella to make his case for shutting down the metric. Petal wants to go with him, and tells Piper to come along.
The final scene sees Tirah attempt to approach the sacella, but he is a machine and is disintegrated before he can speak with them. The twins, after some existential agonising, take his place—and the story ends with the implication that they are successful (the chapter headings form a temporal countdown throughout the story, with the last one being TΩ-2×103—thirty three minutes before TΩ).
This story struck me as the kind of piece that a more cerebral and current day Planet Stories might use—a enjoyably high density (there is as much detail here as some novels) super-science tale set on an exotic, far-future Earth, and one which ends with the death and rebirth of the universe!
***+ (Good to Very Good).1 16,300 words. Story link.

1. I liked this story (a Theodore Sturgeon Award finalist, by the way) better than all the other novelette finalists in the Asimov’s Readers’ Poll for 2021. I don’t know how this one didn’t make the cut—too complex, too hard a read?